To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our customers' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.

Your meter is read using an electronic reader and the touch pad on your home.  Then the readings are transferred to our billing software for billing statement preparation.  There is little chance of a transposition of numbers.  However, you could possibly have a leaky toilet or faucet that's difficult to detect. Just call the office and we'll work with you to solve the problem.

Check your meter and the surrounding area for possible leaks.  Check pressure in both the hot and cold water.  Next, call our office and report low pressure for your area.

Discolored water can have many causes.  Some may be in your home, such as a deteriorating water heater or water softner.  It may be outside within the water distribution system.  Please call and we will work the problem together.

We use chemical injection pumps in each well to inject both azone (chlorine) and fluoride into the water at rates consistent with the flow of water in order to establish a specific amount of chemical per cubic foot of water.  In one well (Conifer) we also inject a polyphosphate solution to dissolve the higher iron content to prevent a rusty appearance.  You won't see this iron but your white clothes will be slightly off white with its presence.  And in another well (Nonanna) we inject a coagulant to attract larger pieces of particles in the water for easier filtration of that water in the treatment plant.  All chemicals are approved for potable water in the solutions used.

Typically this happens only on dead end mains that have not been flushed.  We flush our mains twice per year.  If you experience any odd tastes, smells or unclear water, please call us immediately to report the problem.

Most likely your water heater needs to be flushed. CAUTION: Most manufacturers recommend hiring a professional to flush your water heater. If you plan on doing this yourself, read the owner's manual to keep from being hurt and or damaging the water heater.  Check also your water softner if you have one.  If these do not eliminate the problem, call us for help.

We may have received your payment after the new billing statements were mailed.  And it is possible your payment was lost in the mail.  Also, if you use bill pay thru your bank, it can take up to 10 days for the bank to mail us a check. Call our office and we will help you solve the problem.

Highly unlikely, but it can run slow.  We use two types of meters.  The first is a Sensus SRII.  This uses a small venturi hole that taps off water running thru the meter and takes it into a small measuring area.  If there should be debris in the water (more likely after a leak repair) the debris can slow down or even stop the measuring device giving a lessor read than should be.  We are no longer installing this type of meter because the brass contains a small amount of lead but we are not required to replace the meter until it fails.  The new meter we are using is a Sensus iPerl.  It is a composite meter with no moving parts.  It measures flow using induction principles.  A very accurate meter with a battery life of 20 years.  In my years of work in the water industry I have never seen a meter as the cause of increased usage.

We began a project in 2020 to replace all meters with a Kamstrup Radio-Read meter.  This allows the District to read your meter from some distance away depending on the terrain.  This is a multi-year project.  This meter measures water volume using bidirectional ultrasonic techniwue based on the transit time method.  Two ultrasonic transducers sent sound signals against and with the flow.  The ultrasonic signal traveling with the flow reaches the opposite transducer first.  The time difference between the two singals can be converted into flow velocity and thereby the volumetric flow rate can be calculated.  The meter also measures both water and ambient temperature continuously.  This meter records many functions; directional flow, dry (empty of water), leak or burst (based on flow volume and others.  These readings are kept for 460 days in the meter's memory.

If you leave your water on at the curb we are required to bill you the minimum amount each month.  We can forward your billing statement to whatever address you wish.  However, if you have us turn off your water at the curb, then there is no billing during the period the water is off.  When you return we turn the water back on.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends bringing water to a rolling boil, then let it cool naturally.  The rationale is that during heating and well before the water reaches its boiling point (as well as during cooling), essentially all pathogenic bacteria, protozoa and viruses have been inactivated.  The period as the water cools down to room temperature provides additional time for microbe reduction.  WHO also concludes these conditions are effective at higher altitudes and with turbid water.  (https://bit.ly/WHO-Guidelines)