Rates & Policies

Because of continued inflation of prices of contract labor, chemicals, and other associated costs of providing quality drinking water we have to increase our customer billed prices again for 2025.  The minimum base rate will increase effective January 1, 2025 from $55.00 monthly to $58.00 monthly with a small increase in the water volumn used.  The The total increase for 1,000 cubic feet of water used will increase by approximately $3.50 per month.  There will be no change in the surcharge prices ($6.00 per month for a Revolving loan repayment and $0.30 for Septic system fee).

Standard Residential Service Rates-2024

Monthly Minimum:
1000 Cu/Ft $81.00

Also included on the Billing Statement will be two monthly fees:  First is a $0.30 Septic Permitting Fee and Second is a $6.00 Surcharge that repays a State Revolving Fund Loan.